What is Business Process Reengineering (BPR)?

Products and services are developed to create optimum value for customers and beneficiaries. They should effectively be promoted and marketed, produced, delivered, and managed. Processes are a set of coordinated activities that transform input into output and create stakeholder value. Processes should be reviewed, analyzed, and optimized on regular basis to keep the company in sustainable profitability.

Why do organizations need it?

  1. Develop/Re-engineer the processes to improve performance and optimize cost.
  2. Measure Processes Performance and provide analysis report.
  3. Support growth with solid scalable processes.


Process Mapping

Process reengineering design

KPIs set per process

Assist in process implementation

On-site or online tailored BPR Seminar and Training.

Applicable for the following companies sizes:

  1. Microenterprises
  2. Small enterprises
  3. Medium-sized enterprises
  4. Large enterprises

main target at your organization

Process Managers