What is Balanced Score Card (BSC)?

Financial indicators are not always sufficient to measure organizational performance. Other indicators are essential to the organization’s sustainability. BSC is a powerful tool allowing organizations to measure their total performance and link this performance to the company’s vision and strategy. There is a noticeable difference between (do things right) and (do the right things).

Why do organizations need it?

  1. A tool to measure the performance of the strategy.
  2. Align all stakeholders’ perspectives with strategic objectives, and day-to-day activities.
  3. Track progress towards goals and identify areas for improvement.
  4. More informed decision-making.
  5. Facilitate more effective resource allocation.


A BSC framework tailored to the organization

On-site or online tailored Balanced Score Card (BSC) Seminar and Training.

Applicable for the following companies sizes:

  1. Microenterprises
  2. Small enterprises
  3. Medium-sized enterprises
  4. Large enterprises

main target at your organization

  1. Leaders of the organization
  2. Line Managers