What is Project, Program, and Portfolio Management?

Portfolio/Program/Project Management practices, ceremonies, efficiency, and dynamics must align with the company’s objectives, timeline, and budget.

Why do organizations need it?

  1. An X-ray of the organization’s products and projects statuses.
  2. Determine if projects are a strategic fit.
  3. Product/Portfolio/Program/Project Managers interviews and evaluation.
  4. Consolidation and streamlining of projects within a program, programs within a portfolio, and a portfolio with the organization’s strategy.


Portfolio/Program/Projects dashboard.

Project Management Office implementation.

Agile Project Management implementation.

Analysis & recommendation on Portfolio/Program/Projects Statuses.

On-site or online tailored Project, Program, and Portfolio Management Seminar and Training.

Applicable for the following companies sizes:

  1. Microenterprises
  2. Small enterprises
  3. Medium-sized enterprises
  4. Large enterprises

main target at your organization

  1. CEO
  2. COO
  3. CPO
  4. PMO